Search Results for: "Gig Harbor Now and Then"

Gig Harbor Now and Then | Which government agency originally owned the land where this school now stands?

Apr 22, 2024

The last three Gig Harbor Now and Then columns have not posed any questions of local history. We will return to that format this week, somewhat under duress. There’s a rumor floating around that unless we return to posting questions, we might be replaced by a new column. If you think we’ve been writing boring

Gig Harbor Now and Then | Basketball in the old days was more shutout than shootout

Apr 08, 2024

With the 2024 NCAA women’s basketball championship game having been played Sunday, April 7, and the men’s title being decided tonight, it’s timely that today’s Gig Harbor Now and Then column is all about local basketball — over a hundred years’ worth. Revisiting early basketball scores Back on Sept. 11, 2023, we presented the true but

Gig Harbor Now and Then | An April Fool’s true or false quiz

Apr 01, 2024

Although not scheduled for a new column this week, Gig Harbor Now and Then hereby presents either a bonus issue or three completely unnecessary pages, depending upon how it’s received. Traditionally, April First is for spoofing, tricking and practical joking. But we’re not doing any of that. We’re going to tell you up front what

Gig Harbor Now and Then | The answer to this burning question about a ferry

Mar 25, 2024

Gig Harbor Now and Then’s question last time concerned the first ferry boat to serve on the Gig Harbor-Tacoma run, beginning in 1919. After only a few months, the City of Tacoma was taken out of service while a roof was constructed over its car deck. Why did the car ferry City of Tacoma need

Gig Harbor Now and Then | Early vehicles really cranked up the injuries

Mar 11, 2024

Gig Harbor Now and Then’s last question of local history concerned a list of injuries, mostly broken or dislocated bones in the arm or wrist, from the 1920s to the 1940s. The three big clues given were that the accidents happened to far more men than women, were not seasonal and most often happened just

Gig Harbor Now and Then | Cold, hard facts about ice delivery in 1931

Feb 26, 2024

Our previous column’s subject transitioned from a failure to deliver fire to the successful delivery of ice. The Gig Harbor Now and Then local history question was: What was the name of the ice delivery man in Gig Harbor in 1931? Answer: Let’s see, what are the most obvious possibilities? Ice, Icicle, Cold, Chill, Cool,

Gig Harbor Now and Then | WWII-era incendiary balloon was a mere inconvenience on the Key Peninsula

Feb 12, 2024

Our previous column noted that in a unique event, a Japanese incendiary balloon designed to set the forests of the Pacific Northwest aflame landed on the Key Peninsula in 1945, near the end of World War 2. The topic generated three questions. Where did the Japanese incendiary balloon land on the Key Peninsula? Answer: On

Gig Harbor Now and Then: Steel buckets and hard work put out 1923 fire

Jan 29, 2024

Gig Harbor Now and Then’s question from last time concerned a major fire at the north end of Gig Harbor in 1923 that destroyed several waterfront buildings. A group of unorganized volunteers saved all the structures on the opposite side of the road. Question: What firefighting equipment did the unorganized Gig Harbor volunteer fire fighters

Gig Harbor Now and Then: Harassment and bullying were behind this Midway School riddle

Jan 15, 2024

Partial digression resolution This week we’re starting off with our previous digression, where we asked two questions to which we did not have the answers. We have one now. It’s nice and appreciated that Lynn Kennard, a daughter of Proctor Peacock, took the time to confirm that the Harbor History Museum photo we linked to

Gig Harbor Now and Then | After that building was Berkheimer’s, it was Safeway

Jan 02, 2024

Continuing the theme of “where was that store located?” our last question was: Where was Safeway’s original location in Gig Harbor? The easy answer is: Also at Point Fosdick Square, but closer to Point Fosdick Drive than it is now. The easy answer is also the wrong one. Yes, before the Safeway store’s present location,