Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor | What you can do to save democracy

Posted on March 12th, 2025 By: Betty Devereaux

Thanks for covering Rep. Randall’s town hall in Tacoma. Several speakers identified themselves as being Gig Harbor residents. The article is right in that there was quite a bit of frustration expressed by the attendees.

Here are my takeaways from that meeting. First, Representative Randall has been in office less than three months, and my sense is that she is running at full speed to keep up with the daily deluge of edicts/cuts/firings coming from the Executive Branch. I applaud her for the considered answers she gave to many of the question/comments/statements directed to her. She understands the issues and the machinations of the body she serves in and expressed ideas about how and where to put pressure for maximum results.

Secondly, while giving her credit for her efforts, I agree that her party has been too silent regarding these events. However, I would also like to ask those of us interested in preserving our democratic republic that they begin doing their part to bring pressure on various parts of our society that Congress does not control. For instance, in the last few weeks there have been forceful calls for boycotts of the mega business that are supporting the MAGA movement. Those running the Executive branch seem very concerned about who has how much money and how to get more by any means available. So, show them you understand the power of money too. Don’t spend your money where your values are not respected.

Another way to assert your ideas is to do what i am doing right now: send letters to your local publications; post on social media; talk to your friends and neighbors about your concerns. Ask them to join you! With all of the firings and cutbacks there are bound to be many who voted for this administration, never believing THEIR Medicare/Medicaid/job would be targets of this administration.

Lastly, I would ask that you talk to your relatives and friends in the “red states” and ask them to call THEIR representatives and senators to put pressure on the majority in Congress to halt these actions. Many of the Republicans are not holding town halls during this break in Congress because they know they can not defend many of the actions being taken. Get those who live in those areas to hold their MOC responsible, too.
It seems like a herculean task, and it is! No one can do EVERYTHING, but everybody can do SOMETHING. Find your something and do it daily.

Betty Devereaux

Pierce County