Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor | Thanks, PenMet, for providing services for seniors

Posted on August 19th, 2024 By: Betty Lilienthal

To PenMet Parks Commissioners, Executive Director Ally Bujacich and all staff:

Thank you for the Betty Lilienthal Advocacy Award! I am truly honored, humbled, and grateful to be recognized by such a worthy organization.  Working with people I respect, believe in and admire is incredibly motivating.

Thank you for your trust and attention, your willingness to listen, and your proactive approach to meeting the needs of seniors. I am proud of the tremendous progress that has been made in just a few years; from zero participant hours to almost 6,000 to date! The senior calendar is full and continually expanding. As a senior and passionate volunteer, I eagerly anticipate our ongoing collaboration and am excited about your future plans for seniors, and our entire community!

Thank you for your genuine interest, encouragement, confidence and inspiration.

The following words from Edie Morgan, a person I dearly admire, “I think I am doing what I’m supposed to,” resonate with me because I believe that EVERYTHING WE DO TOGETHER IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF EACH OF US.

Thank you for this privilege and honor.  I will always cherish it.

Sincerely, Betty

Betty Lilienthal

Gig Harbor

Gig Harbor Now publishes signed letters to the editor of up to 800 words by area residents. Submit them to [email protected].