Letters to the Editor
Letter to the Editor: Thankful for Randall’s support of WA Cares
As we age, it’s important to start planning for the possibility that we will need long-term care. Studies show that 70% of us will need it at some point in our lives. And unfortunately for too many Americans, it’s cost prohibitive.
I’m a successful small business owner and my wife is a substitute teacher. Together, we make a decent enough living. But I cannot get long-term care insurance because I have a pre-existing condition. When I eventually do need care, I want to stay in my home and be near my family and friends.
I’m thankful that our Senator Emily Randall supports the WA Cares program. If I ever need long-term care, WA Cares will pay someone to help me around the house. And I have peace of mind knowing that I will have someone to care for me and that my wife won’t have to leave her teaching career.
Ben Patinkin
Gig Harbor