Letters to the Editor
Letter to the editor: Something is missing in PenMet lid lift request
PenMet Parks is asking for us to vote for a “Levy Lid Lift“ in the November 7 election. I am definitely for parks for the public to enjoy, but I’ve not seen any justification for the dramatic increase in taxpayer revenues to PenMet that passage of this measure would create.
The September 22, 2023 Gig Harbor Now letter to the editor on the subject revealed an incredible jump in money to be received by PenMet with passage of the Lefy Lid Lift, but doesn’t reveal what is requiring that increase.
In 2021, then-PenMet Executive Director Hunter George, at the board’s request, did a cash flow study regarding whether another levy lid lift would be needed in 2023 to start in 2024. In conclusion he made this statement:
“The review of these scenarios shows the district is in a strong financial position. Even if the voters do not renew the lid lift, the district expects to maintain a cash cushion that will enable other investments to be made in the system.“
That statement begs the question, again: “What has changed since 2021 (besides the new and significantly larger executive staff) that would drive an increase of 30% in just the first year alone in the requested lid lift, (2024 versus 2023)”. And, the requested Levy Lid Lift runs for six years.
I also find my concern growing regarding PenMet acquiring properties that lay idle (and off the tax roles) for extended periods with no follow up development of the properties. Peninsula Gardens and Harbor Family Park are just two examples of that. A number of other questionable property management and financial decisions by PenMet are also coming under increasing scrutiny.
Bottom line: I love that we have Parks and I will support them. But, I cannot vote for this levy until PenMet comes forward with a clear and complete explanation of the need for such increases in taxes.
We voters have an obligation to hold our governing entities accountable for informing us of the facts ahead of an important vote like this. Tax increases, especially considering the financial challenges that many families face in these uncertain times, shouldn’t be taken lightly.
Jim Braden
Fox Island