Letters to the Editor
Letter to the Editor | Sales tax proposal is fair to all concerned
We all love our life in Gig Harbor. Let’s keep it that way.
August 6 is Primary Election Day and the day our ballots are due on Gig Harbor Prop 1.
This spring when you said no to increased property taxes, you also said you are willing to support our police with a smaller amount and think everyone who uses our services needs to help pay for them. That is what the Public Safety Sales Tax does.
Prop 1 is a sales tax proposal. Personally, I support this proposal. This will generate 1 penny for every $10 of sales tax collected in Gig Harbor. Everyone who shops in Gig Harbor will contribute by their sales tax paid. Groceries are excluded. Legally, the county gets 15% of any funds generated.
While legally only 30% of the remaining funds must be spent on police, the city says they are committed to spending all of it on public safety issues. Funding our police officers means more cops on the street, on the water and on bikes. We would all like to slow down the speeding.
Here’s another opportunity for safety. Gig Harbor has a Housing, Health and Human Services Manager. Sometimes this person accompanies our police on calls. Some police calls are folks experiencing emotional and safety issues. She works to direct these folks to state programs for help. She’s also working with a mobile home neighborhood, seniors and low income who had their rent increased. She is working to find state programs that can keep these folks from becoming homeless. Some of her salary is grant funded and some can be helped with this Public Safety Sales Tax.
Gig Harbor is our wonderful hometown. It is wonderful because of every neighborhood and caring folks just like you and our police officers keeping us safe.
Please join me in voting YES on prop 1. This Public Safety Sales Tax is fair to all concerned. Enjoy summer.
Jeni Woock
Gig Harbor City Council
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