Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor: Responding to PenMet commissioner’s letter

Posted on October 20th, 2023 By: Craig McLaughlin

Response To Steve Nixon’s Letters

First: I asked Mr. Nixon if anyone from PenMet or the For Committee would debate me offering anytime and anyplace. On August 10, 2023, Mr. Nixon responded:

“I wouldn’t anticipate a debate.  Not sure how that would work.”

Also, Ally and I were invited to speak before the Gig Harbor Republican Club, but Ally, after finding out I was going to be there, cancelled.

Recently, I invited Ally to do her information session on Fox Island.  I told her that FICRA, owner of the site, had to allow a counter presentation to remain neutral to protect its 501(c)(3) status.  Unfortunately, Ally doesn’t have the time to make it.  Strange because on PenMet’s website where it listed its sessions, PenMet adds:

“Other events will be scheduled later in October and before election day.”

I guess PenMet changed its mind?

October 11, 2023 

On October 11, 2023, Mr. Nixon addressed Hunter George’s 2021 study that showed no need for a 2023 levy lid lift by saying, “The study was developed over 2 years ago and no longer reflects PenMet’s ability to operate at our current level without approval of the 2023 levy.”  Mr. Nixon wants us to take his word.  Why does the study no longer reflect PenMet’s ability to operate at its current level?  Has the CRC project proven to be more expensive than anticipated?  Has PenMet’s increased executive payroll had any impact?

Mr. Nixon also says my statements about the park host program are not true.  Again, Mr. Nixon is asking you to take his word as he offers no corrections.  If my statements are not true, I’m asking Mr. Nixon to please share the truth.

Mr. Nixon assumes that inserting a former employee’s promise not to say anything “disparaging” about PenMet is OK because it’s “standard language.” Mr. Nixon is confirming that the non-disparagement clause was used frequently. But he doesn’t share why? What was PenMet afraid of? Being “standard language” makes it worse doesn’t it?  A disparaging comment can be true can it not?  PenMet is using taxpayer money to buy former employees’ silence. Voters have the right to know how their money is spent.

Mr. Nixon says my statement that PenMet failed its audit is “categorically false.” I guess it depends on your definition of “failed.” For me, it’s when the Auditor finds a “material weakness” in PenMet’s financial records and high six figure errors in their financial reports. For me, that’s a fail.

Mr. Nixon invites everyone to “ask the questions you want to ask.” PenMet does not answer questions. The Commissioners never respond to public comments. You are usually told to file a Freedom of Information Act request. I’ve asked Mr. Nixon a long list of questions — none of which have been answered. For example, will PenMet let the voters know:

  1. PenMet has taken the full 6% increase from 2018 to 2023?
  2. PenMet’s tax levies have increased by more than 75% since 2017?
  3. PenMet’s levies increase if assessments on our homes increase or if there’s new construction?
  4. PenMet’s proposed 2023 to 2024 increase is almost 30%?
  5. The maximum annual increase of 6% being asked is 600% of the normal 1%?
  6. PenMet’s 2029 levy income could be more than 70% higher than in 2023?
  7. PenMet’s 2023 budget shows operating expenses are expected to be 54% more than in 2022?
  8. PenMet’s 2024 levies will be about the same as in 2023 even with a no vote?

October 18, 2023

On October 18, 2023, Mr. Nixon said my letters “…contained several factual inaccuracies and misleading statements.”  Please notice, Mr. Nixon does not attempt to point out my inaccuracies or my misleading statements nor does he attempt to correct the record.  Again, he just wants you to take his word for it.

Mr. Nixon also states that, in my October 10, 2023, letter I posed questions about the CRC that “…have already been addressed.”  Let’s review my questions:

  1. What if those financial projections are way off…?
  2. Is it good fiscal policy to add millions to the Capital Improvement Budget when so much uncertainty will be created when the CRC opens?
  3. What about possible cost overruns?

If Mr. Nixon has the answers to these questions, I would like to read them.

Mr. Nixon also “…encourage(s) the community to seek the information that they need to understand more about their park district…”  Let me share an email Mr. Nixon sent to me on June 6, 2023, wherein he said:

“It is my intent to make sure we provide the information voters need to make an informed decision…”

It appears Mr. Nixon has now put the burden on the voters to “seek” the information Mr. Nixon intended to “provide” to us.  Has Mr. Nixon fulfilled that intention?

Mr. Nixon, I’m still available to debate you anytime and anyplace.

Craig McLaughlin

Fox Island