Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor: PenMet measure will help preserve Gig Harbor as we know it

Posted on October 17th, 2023 By: Deb Krishnadasan

I grew up in a rural Pierce County home surrounded by forests. When we asked, we were told the land directly across from our house was wetlands, unbuildable. Five years later, a large, grey, concrete warehouse stood on that land directly in front of our house. Developers figured out how to build.

There has been tremendous growth in Gig Harbor. More houses and businesses are popping up daily. Just as my family was welcomed in 2008 to this community, I welcome our new neighbors and I frequent the new businesses.  Both have enhanced the quality of life here in Gig Harbor for my family. Growth and change can be good.

At the same time, I am so appreciative of PenMet Park’s actions to preserve wooded areas and water access, creating more walking paths amongst the trees, open fields for play and activities, places for our pups to go on “sniffaris,” and more programs to serve our growing populations.

I am supporting PenMet to avoid a concrete warehouse popping up on what was once beautiful, forested land. Thank you Penmet for preserving the green spaces of our community before it’s too late.

Deb Krishnadasan

Gig Harbor