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Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor: No rush to take those Christmas lights down

Posted on December 7th, 2023 By: Lois Kreitzer

We moved to Gig Harbor 22 years ago.  Many more newcomers have arrived since then and, like us, you’ve no doubt been taking note of the quirks of your new home; many charming, some a little confusing.

Like: “Why do these people leave their Christmas lights up so long?” For me, it began with a suggestion in the Gateway years ago by then-mayor Gretchen Wilbert. She commented on how beautiful the lights were all over town. She asked, since we went to so much trouble to put them up, and since days were still short and dark into January, why not leave the lights up a little longer and call it “Winterfest?”

So, on January 1, I put away Christmas: red velvet ribbons, ornaments, bells, Santas. But I leave up plain evergreen trees, plain evergreen wreaths … and lights. Lights on from sunset to midnight for the commuters and late strollers. Lights back on from 5 a.m. to sunrise, for the early workers and walkers. Into January, until the sun starts coming and going at slightly more civilized hours.

Lights. Lots of lights. The more, the merrier.  Call it quirky. Or call it Winterfest.

Lois Kreitzer

Gig Harbor