Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor | Josh Smith, a refreshing option

Posted on July 26th, 2024 By: Vicky Alsaker

Dismayed by a stale political status quo, last year I realized I was part of the “exhausted majority”. I acknowledged I had joined the two thirds of Americans who find themselves not completely aligned with either political party. I longed for a party that would put the power back in the hands of the American voter. Thankfully I found the Forward Party: https://www.forwardparty.com/#values

Our two major political parties have policy ideas driven by special interests. The Forward Party believes that democracy only works when the system puts voters above the political status quo. They believe in collaborative problem-solving. And they believe that the basis for a strong country is creating the opportunity for everyday citizens to decide what’s best for them and their communities. That requires a candidate that comes to the table ready to listen and represent the will of the people. It requires a candidate that believes in civic engagement to drive a bottom-up, not a top-down approach. This is why the Forward Party has endorsed Josh Smith for State Representative, 26th District, Position 2 (Independent).

I met Josh while doing volunteer work. Throughout the months I have found him to be a commonsense person who is an active listener with an open mind. How pleasant to meet someone running for office that doesn’t tell you their agenda but rather wants to know what is important to you.

I am voting for Josh Smith to make democracy real. He will support innovations that strengthen democracy, such as ranked choice voting, and elevate the voter’s voice. I’m confident he will effectively represent the interests of our community.

Please join me in voting for Josh Smith, a refreshing option!

Vicky Alsaker

Gig Harbor

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