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Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor | Interpretive signs about herons better for Soundview

Posted on January 10th, 2024 By: Patricia Mulligan

I want to discuss the use of the green space by the Tides Tavern we fought so hard several years ago to preserve. I live across from the Tides so I have a good idea of the habits of the wildlife in the harbor.

The Herons roost in those trees and are so beautiful to watch fly or fish for food if you’re down by the Harbor. We almost lost them the last time a developer was wanting to build condos there. They were spooked by the machinery and people associated with the developers. They didn’t seem to even appreciate the underbrush being cut but I understand that’s important. It took the Herons a year or so to come back in full force and they are there now.

I fully appreciate you for wanting to do something for the children in the area.

I just feel the clearing and the activity a playground would cause would disturb the Herons too much and they would find another area to inhabit.

My suggestion would be to educate the adults and children passing the reserve by putting up reader boards explaining the Herons,  their activity, their need for  habitat, and how to spot them in the air water and in the trees. There could also be one about the seals, sea lions, Kingfishers and eagles etc.

I think learning about our wildlife would be more beneficial and interesting for the children than a playground.

I, as an aside, imagine parking would be a problem with the 7 Seas and the Tides taking up most of the parking in the area.

I hope  the city and Alliance will consider the impact on our environment and  preserve what makes the place we live so special.

Patricia Mulligan

Gig Harbor