Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor | Initiative sponsor applauds Gig Harbor voters

Posted on April 26th, 2024 By: Tim Eyman

Gig Harbor taxpayers are clearly tapped out and that’s why this property tax hike got rejected by 70% of voters.

Even though proponents cheated by using tax dollars and illegally utilizing city personnel to promote their side, the citizens of Gig Harbor saw through it and overwhelmingly rejected this transparent tax grab.

It’s long past  time for politicians to prioritize spending using existing revenue rather than counting on overtaxed citizens to bail them out when they overspend.

The voters’ message was crystal clear –  WE’RE TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY. The question now is: will they listen?

Thank you Gig Harbor voters for seeing through the propaganda and saying no so emphatically. Because of your vote, politicians have no choice but to listen now that you’ve spoken so loudly and clearly.

Well done.

Tim Eyman

Original sponsor of the 1% Property Tax Initiative

Gig Harbor Now accepts signed letters to the editor of up to 800 words or fewer from area residents. We made an exception to the residency requirement in this case because Eyman was involved in advocating a “no” vote on Proposition 1.