Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor: Denson’s energy, passion, work ethic are unmatched

Posted on October 18th, 2022 By: Jennifer Keating

My name is Jennifer Keating and I am writing in support of Pierce County Council candidate Robyn Denson.

I am a lifelong resident of Gig Harbor/Fox Island, a Puyallup Tribal member and mother of four, serve as the Chair of Peninsula School District’s Native American Education Parent Advisory Committee and have the honor of serving on the Gig Harbor Land Conservation Fund, a local advisory board created by Robyn to help preserve Gig Harbor’s forests, salmon habitat and green spaces.

I first met Robyn a few years ago when we met to discuss the possibility of an Indigenous Peoples Day proclamation at the City of Gig Harbor. Gig Harbor has some of the richest tribal history in the Sound but as someone who was born and raised in Gig Harbor, I can honestly say there has been very little recognition of local tribal history until recent. Having not met Robyn yet, I went into the effort with little to no expectations that this would be accomplished. However, as anyone that knows Robyn will tell you, Robyn is special. In my eyes and many others, Robyn is wonder woman. Her energy, passion, and work ethic are unmatched. The thing that impresses me the most though is her ability to get everyone at the table. She brings communities together in a world and political climate that seeks to divide us.

Within a year, Robyn, with strategic community engagement and educational efforts, has managed to successfully pass both an Indigenous People’s Day as well as a Native American History Month, the name restoration of the txʷaalqəł Estuary, the naming of Swift Water Elementary School in honor of the Indigenous inhabitants of Gig Harbor, and has managed to work with the Tribe, local conservation groups, dedicated community members, and the City to identify and successfully apply for Pierce Conservation Future funding to conserve 11 acres of pristine salmon habitat, mature tree canopy and green space along Donkey Creek from threat of development, that will be in conservation status and available for the community to walk and enjoy for generations to come.

Robyn didn’t just push for the acquisition, she worked with local environmental groups to identify and research the parcel, she reached out and worked directly with the property owners to get them to somehow agree to holding the property while we obtained the necessary funding, she educated them on the tribal history and cultural resources that are very likely present on the property. She then took it upon herself to write the entire grant application once she found out it would save money, she attended every advisory board site visit, every technical advisory meeting, and every county council session needed to see this through. She is a powerhouse capable of tackling anything she takes on.

This fall, you will see my family and I sign waving, post card writing, going door to door and anything else needed to get this phenomenal environmental leader elected to the Pierce County Council. Because a balance must exist between development and protection of our natural resources, and frankly, as a professional Land Use Planner, I’m tired of feeling like we are in this alone. It’s time for our elected leadership to put action behind their words. It’s time to restore balance to Pierce County and I can think of no one better than my friend and colleague Robyn Denson to do just this. Please join me in voting for Robyn Denson this November.

Jennifer Keating

Gig Harbor