Letters to the Editor
Letter to the editor: Denson will balance conservation, infrastructure
We are voting for Robyn Denson because we have watched her commitment and hard work for the last 5- 6 years. We have seen her dedication first hand, and have witnessed her accomplishments.
Recently I hosted an event: a Meet & Greet for Robyn and Senator Emily Randall. I invited friends of different political and social views, all with the same goal: honest, transparent, equitable and fiscally responsible representation. One thing was clear…everyone appreciated how knowledgeable Robyn and Senator Randall we were on the issues, how they are committed to working with everyone, regardless of political affiliation. It was obvious that they care about being good stewards of taxpayer money…they have proven that they are reasonable, caring, involved community members.
Robyn shared her vision and goals to tackle Pierce County crime. She confirmed that she clearly understands how important it is to address first responders needs, and those of our children and senior citizens. She recognizes the need for conservation and infrastructure.
As a Gig Harbor Councilmember Robyn successfully fought to hire more law enforcement officers to have adequate resources to keep Gig Harbor safe. She effectively addressed the need for sustainable, compassionate solutions to homelessness, metal health and addiction in Pierce County. She intends to improve safety, increase county services and protect the environment.
Her 20 years of working with non-profits has served her well, she understands the important role our social service agencies and community advocates have in our lives.
It is vitally important to have someone from our side (Gig Harbor) of the narrows to represent us, someone who understands the issues significant to Gig Harbor, Fox Island and the Key Peninsula. Robyn has the experience, and has successfully collaborated on a non-partisan city council. She has demonstrated her ability to bring community leaders, law enforcement, and social services providers together.
We need to elect Robyn Denson to the Pierce County Council.
Betty and Jay Lilenthal
Gig Harbor
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