Letters to the Editor
Letter to the Editor | Congress must protect Medicaid, SNAP
I am angry that House leaders want to take a hatchet to Medicaid and SNAP to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy. When millions of Americans are just trying to make it through the week, why in the world does Congress want to make people sicker and hungrier?
Medicaid and SNAP play a critical role in helping tens of millions of Americans access healthcare and food. Most of the recipients are children, families, seniors, and people with disabilities. In many cases, Medicaid and SNAP are their only options to see a doctor or afford groceries, especially in rural areas.
Lawmakers claim they want to eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse. This is a ruse. They just want the money for their tax cuts. If Congress wants to fight real waste, fraud, and abuse, make the rich pay their fair share.
As the House and Senate work to reach a compromise budget, I urge our members of Congress to resoundingly reject any budget that cuts Medicaid or SNAP. Join me in Contacting: Senator Patty Murray, Senator Maria Cantwell, and Representative Emily Randall, either by mail or phone. The Congressional Hot Line is: (202) 224-3121.
Judy Arbogast