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Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor | Options for the April 23 property tax proposition

Posted on March 29th, 2024 By: Jeni Woock

Dear Gig Harbor neighbors,

I’ve been answering a lot of questions about the proposed Property tax increase you will see on your April 23 ballot.

Proposition 1 will be on the April 23 ballot for your Gig Harbor Citizens’ vote. The proposition asks property owners to vote to increase your Gig Harbor property taxes 57% from $.70 per thousand to $1.10 per thousand assessed property value yearly.

If your Gig Harbor property is assessed at $750,000 your current tax is $525.00. Proposition No 1 would increase that tax to $825.00 + yearly


The city has a 2023-2024 $178 Million budget with $41.5 Million in the General Fund.

The 2023 income to the city is reduced and beginning in 2025 estimates are our General Fund will be short about $2 Million. Currently there are 2 funding options regarding Proposition 1.

OPTION #1. If Gig Harbor citizens vote yes, this permanent 57% Gig Harbor property tax increase ($2 Million + yearly) would be 100% on the backs of Gig Harbor property owners only. I am concerned about seniors, those on limited income, those on fixed incomes, renters, everyone, etc.

OPTION #2 If Gig Harbor citizens vote no, this proposal could come back to council for an August vote redo. The council could consider a lower property tax rate, including a sales tax and consider a B & O tax.

Business and Occupation Tax (B&O Tax)

Gig Harbor’s nighttime population is about 13,000 and increases to 20,000-25,000 during the daytime. These 5,000 -10,000 do not live within the city limits.

Like other Washington cities, who have B&O taxes, council can say we exempt taxes from businesses making less than $1 Million, or any amount council chooses. The exemptions would be to protect and encourage small business growth.

Stores like Target, Home Depot, Costco, Ulta, Ross, etc, would begin to pay B&O taxes and their shoppers would be helping to pay maintenance for the roads and services they use in Gig Harbor.

On April 23, Gig Harbor citizens will be voting:

A Yes vote will put the $2 + million (57%) yearly Gig Harbor property tax increase on the backs of Gig Harbor property owners only.

A No vote can send this back to the council for a redo, smaller property tax increase, sales tax and B&O tax. If you live or shop in Gig Harbor everyone will help to pay.

Gig Harbor citizens, the choice is up to you.

By the way, the City has taken up to $30,000.00 from the General fund (the account that needs the funding), to hire an advertising agency and do a campaign blitz promoting the April 23 property tax vote.

The opinions expressed here are mine and not those of the city.

Jeni Woock

Gig Harbor City Council

Position 1