Community Government Transportation

County hosting open houses on Fox Island bridge replacement

Posted on July 23rd, 2024 By:

Pierce County Planning and Public Works is hosting online and in-person open houses about a new Fox Island bridge.

The events will include information about the Type, Size and Location Study being conducted as part of the replacement’s first phase. The county will also gather feedback on bike and pedestrian usage on the bridge, and boat owners can take a survey.

The online open house began Monday, July 22, and will run through Aug. 11. View that here.

The in-person open house is Thursday, Aug. 1, between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. at Artondale Elementary School, 6219 40th St. NW, Gig Harbor. View materials that will be at the open house here.

fox island bridge

The Fox Island bridge

Bridge background

A preliminary study completed in 2016 determined replacement of the 1954 bridge is the best solution. A rehabilitation or retrofit would not be cost-effective. The Federal Highway Administration requires that major bridges must have a TS&L Study prepared to be eligible for federal funding.

A routine inspection in 2023 gave the bridge a “poor” rating based it condition. It does not meet current design standards seismically, structurally or functionally. The bridge was built using standards from more than 70 years ago.

It has narrow lanes, no shoulders, no bike paths, and its sidewalks are not compliant with the American with Disabilities Act, according to the county.

A retrofit is not feasible to bring it up to current standards and condition. Long term, a new bridge is more economical, resilient, reliable and accessible to all users.

Pierce County expects completion of the TS&L Study in late 2025. Following that would be finalizing the design, completing environmental permitting, securing funding, acquiring property and construction.