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Community Police & Fire

Woman dies in collision on Reid Drive

Posted on March 25th, 2024 By:

A 31-year-old woman died in a collision near the intersection of Reid Drive NW and 42nd Street NW early on Friday, March 22, according to the Pierce County Sheriff’s Office.

The woman was driving south on Reid around 2 a.m., approaching the sharp turn just before Reid becomes 14th Avenue NW. A sheriff’s office spokesman said she was “unable to make the corner,” and her vehicle spun out of control.

Her car collided with a vehicle that was coming north on Reid. An emergency room doctor in the second car, who was uninjured, provided immediate aid but could not resuscitate her. She was pronounced dead at the scene.

“The initial review of the collision seems (to indicate) that the woman was driving at a high rate of speed before losing control of her vehicle,” according to an email from the Pierce County Sheriff’s Office.