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Community Police & Fire

Man shot while trying to break into Gig Harbor home identified

Posted on August 11th, 2022 By:

The Pierce County Medical Examiner’s Office identified Jeffrey Alma as the man shot and killed while trying to break into a neighbor’s house late last month.

The office identified Alma, a 36-year-old Gig Harbor resident, on Wednesday, Aug. 10. The incident occurred July 29.

A statement from the office said Alma died from a gunshot wound to the neck. The manner of death was ruled homicide, which only means the killing of one human being by another. The term homicide does not necessarily suggest a crime has occurred.

Alma and his girlfriend lived next door to the home where the shooting occurred, according to Pierce County Sheriff’s Office detectives. The home is near the corner of 66th and 87th streets, just off Rosedale Street.

Detectives said Alma and the girlfriend had fought the previous evening, and the girlfriend took refuge at the neighbor’s house. Alma tried to break into the house and was shot.

The shooter cooperated with deputies and was interviewed and released. A report was sent to the county Prosecutor’s Office for review.