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Community Police & Fire

Gig Harbor Police Blotter: Robbery arrest made during shoplifting crackdown

Posted on March 31st, 2023 By:

Editor’s note: The Blotter is written based on information provided by Gig Harbor Police and Gig Harbor Fire & Medic One.

A shoplifting suspect allegedly punched a grocery store security officer in the face, leading to an arrest on suspicion of robbery on March 24.

Store loss prevention personnel noticed two possible shoplifters on the afternoon of March 24. The guard watched one of them put deli food in his pocket, then walk out without paying.

The guard followed the suspect outside and spoke with him there. The suspect initially agreed to cooperate.

When the guard paused to watch a colleague speak with the second shoplifting suspect, the first tried to run away. The guard grabbed the suspect’s shirt, and the suspect punched him in the mouth.

The store security guard sustained a cut and declined medical attention.

The suspect had attempted to steal two deli items worth a combined $8.20.

Offcers took the suspect, an 18-year-old Puyallup man, to the Pierce County jail and booked him on suspicion of second-degree robbery. Because he allegedly used force in commission of a theft, the crime would fit the legal definition of robbery.

23 arrested in shoplifting emphasis

The robbery arrest was part of a two-day crackdown on shoplifting conducted by Gig Harbor Police on March 23 and 24.

Working with store loss prevention personnel and a Pierce County Sheriff’s deputy, officers recovered more than $35,000 worth of stolen merchandise.

Officers arrested 23 people, most for third-degree theft. The majority were cited and released, though some were arrested for outstanding warrants.

A review of police reports associated with the emphasis patrol revealed that most of the arrests took place at Albertson’s, Safeway and Home Depot. Several of those arrested were minors. Officers made arrests for theft of goods worth as little as $8.50 and as much as several hundred dollars.

Gig Harbor Police posted this photograph of a suspect arrested as part of a crackdown on shoplifting on March 23 and 24.