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Community Police & Fire

Gig Harbor Police Blotter | One arrested following rollover collision

Posted on January 18th, 2024 By:

Editor’s note: The Blotter is written based on information provided by Gig Harbor Police Gig Harbor Fire & Medic One  and the Pierce County Sheriff’s Office.

Gig Harbor Police and Gig Harbor Fire and Medic One responded to a rollover collision at 8 p.m. Jan. 12 on the Kimball Drive/Pioneer Way overpass of Highway 16.

A 67-year-old Silverdale man told police he was driving east on the overpass when a car coming in the other direction hit him, flipping his Hyundai. He couldn’t provide a description of the vehicle that hit him and then left the scene, because he only saw headlights. But officers found debris on the scene that had the word “Subaru.”

A few minutes later, someone called 911 to report that a gray Subaru with four flat tires and front-end damage was parked near the intersection of 77th Street and Lombard Drive.

The Subaru driver, a 27-year-old Gig Harbor man, told police he was driving from one bar to another after having consumed two beers. He claimed another car sideswiped him, but he thought it occurred on Burnham Drive.

The Gig Harbor man eventually agreed to a breath test, which showed a blood alcohol content level of 0.180. The legal limit is .08. Officers cited him for DUI and then drove him to his home.

Medics evaluated the Silverdale man’s injuries and advised him to go to the hospital.

Name game

Gig Harbor Police arrested a 37-year-old Bremerton woman who seemed confused about her own name early on the morning of Jan. 9.

An officer spoke with the woman when he saw her car parked in the parking lot of a closed gas station/convenience store. After checking records associated with the car’s license plate, the officer determined that the registered owner of the vehicle had a suspended driver’s license and was the subject of arrest warrants.

The officer asked the woman if she was the registered owner of the vehicle. She told him her sister was. He asked her sister’s name, and she said “Kara,” which is not the name of the registered owner.

After that, she started referring to herself (instead of her sister) as Kara. Then Kaylee. Meanwhile, the officer already had looked up the registered owner’s driver’s license photo to confirm that she was in fact the vehicle owner.

After more debate over her true identity, officers arrested the woman for the outstanding warrants and booked her into the Kitsap County Jail.

More crime than you can throw a stick at

Police arrested a suspected counterfeiter after he threw a stick at a Target store security officer.

Officers were patrolling the Target parking lot around 9 p.m. Jan. 10. They saw a 19-year-old man arguing with a store loss prevention officer.

The security guard told police the 19-year-old used obviously counterfeit bills to make a purchase. The ink on the counterfeit bills rubbed off on the employee’s hands.

The guard and the suspect argued, and the suspect picked up a stick and threw it at the loss prevention officer. Store security footage confirmed the incident.

Officers arrested the 19-year-old suspect and booked him into the Kitsap County Jail on suspicion of fourth degree assault.