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Community Police & Fire

Gig Harbor Police Blotter: Mentally ill suspect punches man offering a helping hand

Posted on June 15th, 2023 By:

Editor’s note: The Blotter is written based on information provided by Gig Harbor Police and Gig Harbor Fire & Medic One.

A 30-year-old Gig Harbor homeless man who struggles with mental health problems punched an acquaintance who stopped to give him money on June 8, according to a Gig Harbor Police report.

The victim told police he saw the 30-year-old standing near the Point Fosdick-Olympic Drive intersection around 3 p.m. June 8. He routinely checks on the man and gives him money for meals.

When he stopped to do that this time, the 30-year-old punched him in the neck and ran away.

The victim found the 30-year-old walking on a sidewalk and confronted him about the punch. The two fought before the 30-year-old got away again. The transient man gave no indication of why he punched his friend in the first place.

The victim was not injured and declined to pursue assault charges against his mentally ill acquaintance. Officers opted against attempting to locate the 30-year-old, who has been uncooperative and aggressive toward police during many previous interactions.

Suspects shove aside clerk during theft

A man and woman shoved aside a drug store clerk at a store on Borgen Boulevard while stealing cosmetics on June 10.

The clerk opened a secured cosmetics display case in the store for the two suspects when they asked to examine a product inside. The woman suspect shoved the clerk aside, pinning her against the display case. The suspects then left the store with $200 worth of perfume, other cosmetics, a case of Coke and batteries.

The clerk mentioned a possible finger injury but declined medical aid. Officers obtained security footage of the incident and continued their investigation. If the suspects are located, they could potentially face robbery charges because of the violence associated with the theft.

Send him to the wall

Officers cited a 30-year-old Port Orchard man for stealing a boxed set of blu-ray discs with seasons 1-8 of the popular TV show Game of Thrones. The discs were priced at $119. The suspect was cited and released at the scene.