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Community Police & Fire

Gig Harbor Police Blotter: Man in rollover crash reportedly refused offer of designated driver

Posted on September 14th, 2023 By:

Editor’s note: The Blotter is written based on information provided by Gig Harbor Police and Gig Harbor Fire & Medic One.

Officers suspect the driver of a blue van that rolled over at the intersection of Harborview Drive and Pioneer Way early on the morning of Sept. 2 was driving while intoxicated.

The driver called 911 for help around 1:30 a.m. on that Saturday. Officers found him inside a blue van resting on its roof on the north sidewalk of Harborview, next to a severed light pole. The driver was crawling out of the vehicle as officers arrived.

The first officer on scene heard a friend of the driver, who had been in a separate vehicle, urging the driver to “get out of here.” The officer told them that wasn’t an option.

Witnesses later told police that the two had been at a nearby bar that evening, and had refused an offer to call a sober driver.

The 35-year-old driver declined to submit to a breath test. He tried to refuse a blood draw when officers took him to the hospital, so police and hospital staff put him in four-point restraints in order to obtain blood for tests. Officers later took him to the Kitsap County jail, where he was booked on suspicion of DUI.

Egging plagues Gig Harbor

Gig Harbor Police arrested two people, an 18-year-old man and a juvenile boy, on suspicion of egging several passing cars early on the morning of Sept. 10.

Victims called police to Point Fosdick Drive twice that Sunday morning, first shortly after midnight and again around 2 a.m. At least three people said eggs hit their vehicles, and several others said they may also have thrown rocks or soda cans.

The suspects escaped the first time, but not the second. Police found the two young men hiding behind a dumpster with a flat of eggs nearby. Several victims reported what they believed to be permanent damage to the finish of their vehicles.

Officers took the 18-year-old to the Kitsap County Jail on suspicion of malicious mischief. For the underage suspect, officers forwarded a report to the juvenile prosecutor.