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Community Police & Fire

Gig Harbor Police Blotter | Suspects rob Purdy convenience store

Posted on December 22nd, 2023 By:

Editor’s note: The Blotter is written based on information provided by Gig Harbor Police Gig Harbor Fire & Medic One  and the Pierce County Sheriff’s Office.

Two people robbed a convenience store on the 13800 block of Purdy Drive early on Dec. 16, according to the Pierce County Sheriff’s Office.

According to a report on the sheriff’s office’s report, two suspects entered the store around 6:15 a.m. They implied that they were armed. One of the suspects leapt over the counter and threatened to shoot a clerk.

The suspects got money from the store and fled in a vehicle. Descriptions were not available for either the suspects or the car they fled in.

Deputies collected evidence, including surveillance footage. The investigation is ongoing, according to the sheriff’s office.

Single driver, two hit and runs

Gig Harbor Police and Pierce County Sheriff’s deputies arrested a suspect they say caused at least two hit-and-run collisions in the Gig Harbor area on the evening of Dec. 15.

A woman told city police that a newer gray SUV hit her vehicle in the Ace Hardware parking lot around 5 p.m. Dec. 15. The driver appeared distracted, the victim told police, and fled after the collision.

While the officer was investigating that collision, 911 dispatchers reported another hit and run collision nearby. Pierce County deputies responded to that collision.

The driver in the second collision fled on foot, but a police dog helped locate her. Deputies and officers arrested her on suspicion of felony hit and run and other charges. They booked her into the Pierce County Jail.