Community Police & Fire

Deputies, firefighters find no evidence of explosive device after a boom on Fox Island

Posted on March 14th, 2025 By:

Firefighters and Pierce County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded to a reported explosion near the Fox Island boat launch on the evening of Tuesday, March 11. They were unable to locate the source of the noise.

At least one person called 911 to report what they believed was an explosion or a boat fire around 9:30 p.m. One 911 caller reported seeing flames on the beach. Another said the boom sounded like “10 to 15 M-80 fireworks going off at once.”

Gig Harbor Fire and Medic One firefighters responded but found no signs of an explosion, according to GHFMO Division Chief Tom Wescott.
Pierce County deputies searched the beach and couldn’t find any signs of a firework or any other explosive device, according to public information officer Deputy Carly Cappetto. The closest they found was a Busch Light beer can that appeared to be melted together.

Witnesses reported seeing a vehicle speeding away from the boat launch shortly after the explosion. One thought it might have been a Ford Mustang. It headed over the Fox Island Bridge toward Gig Harbor.