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Community Police & Fire

Police warn of burglaries to occupied homes in Gig Harbor North

Posted on December 1st, 2022 By:

Two suspects burglarized occupied homes in Gig Harbor North early on the morning of Tuesday, Nov. 29, the Gig Harbor Police Department warned on social media on Thursday, Dec. 1.

The suspects entered three homes through unlocked doors or windows and attempted to get inside several others. They stole wallets, purses and credit cards.

The statement from the department said investigators believe the suspects were “passing through the area as part of a wider series of crimes.”

However, GHPD Chief Kelly Busey warned Gig Harbor residents to lock doors and windows, not leave valuable items inside vehicles parked outside and promptly report suspicious activity to 911.

Surveillance footage from the burglarized homes matches footage showing the suspects using stolen credit cards in Tumwater and Bellevue. The suspects are also believed to be linked to other burglaries and thefts in King and Kitsap counties.

Busey declined to provide a suspect description, citing sensitivities with the ongoing investigation. No vehicle description is available.

Home burglaries in general are relatively rare in Gig Harbor. The residential burglaries that do occur typically take place during daytime hours, when many houses are not occupied.

Burglaries of occupied homes, as was the case on Nov. 29, are especially rare.

“We just don’t see that,” Busey said. “That’s very, very rare.”

Busey said the Nov. 29 crimes do not appear to be related to two other unusual burglaries reported in Gig Harbor Now’s Police Blotter this week — one in which a suspect tried to saw through a front door and one in which a suspect tried to climb in through unlocked windows.