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Community Government Transportation

Water main project could cause traffic snarls on Soundview this summer

Posted on May 16th, 2024 By:

Drivers who use Soundview Drive, Olympic Drive or Hollycroft Street will see disruptions this summer as the city of Gig Harbor replaces more than a mile of water main.

The Gig Harbor City Council on Monday unanimously approved four contracts that will fix water main problems in the area.

The projects include replacing an existing asbestos-cement pipe and thin-walled polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes with either cement-lined ductile iron pipe or thick-walled PVC pipe, according to Public Works Director Jeff Langhelm. The contractor will decide which based on pipe availability and price.

In addition, contractors will move a section of water main located on private property in Olympic Village into the public right-of-way.

The work will start in June, take four to five months and end in late October. The council approved contracts totaling $3.3 million for the projects.

One lane of the Soundview will be open most of the time during construction, with only a few total closures, Langhelm said.

The city will use social media, an online story map and other methods to alert the public before work starts. People who live on Soundview Drive will receive a mailer. The city will host at least one community meeting before the project begins.

Other business

  • The council approved a contract for installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Wollochet Drive and Wagner Way, and installation of a pedestrian-activated flashing crosswalk signal for the Adam Tallman Trail in the Wagner Way leg of the intersection.
  • The council also updated city code to prohibit the disclosure, publication or transmission of intimate images. The move brings city code in line with state law, allowing those accused of such a crime to be charged in Gig Harbor Municipal Court.
  • The council also approved a contract amendment for work on the Commercial Fishing Homeport pier at Ancich Waterfront Park. It is taking longer than anticipated to obtain federal and state permits, Langhelm said.
  • Interim Community Development Director Jeff Wilson presented a timeline for updating the city’s comprehensive plan. The state requires the city to update every element of the comp plan this year.

Upcoming meetings

The council meets for a study session at 3 p.m. Thursday, May 16, to review an update on public works standards, a sewer extension agreement near Canterwood and revisions to the city’s special event code. The next regular council meeting will take place Tuesday, May 28. Council meetings are held in person at the civic center and can be viewed via Zoom.