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Community Government

Three candidates file to run for PenMet commission post

Posted on May 16th, 2023 By:

Three candidates filed to run for a position on the Peninsula Metropolitan Park District board of commissioners during the first two days of candidate filing for the 2023 election.

The three candidates seek election to a six-year term on PenMet’s governing board. The position is currently held by Amanda Babich, who has not filed to run for re-election.

Candidates include Christine A. Bromell of Fox Island, Billy Sehmel of Fox Island and Steven M. Nielsen of Gig Harbor.

PenMet operates park facilities between the Narrows and Purdy bridges, outside of Gig Harbor city limits. The 19-year-old park district includes nearly 600 acres of parks and other facilities.

It is building the Community Recreation Center sports complex at the former site of Performance Golf on Center on 14th Avenue NW.

The post is the only of five PenMet commission seats before voters this fall.

City Council races

Other local races have drawn just one candidate each. Filing remains open until 4 p.m. Friday, May 19.

In Gig Harbor City Council elections, incumbents Mary Barber (position 4) and Le Rodenberg (position 6) have filed to retain their seats. Barber was appointed to the post in 2022, when Tracie Markley resigned to become mayor.

Ben Coronado, a city of Gig Harbor parks commissioner, filed to run for Position 5.

That position is occupied by Julie Martin, appointed earlier this year to finish the term of Robyn Denson, who resigned after being elected to the Pierce County Council. Martin has not publicly announced if she plans to seek election to the post, though she indicated during the interview process that she was open to the idea.

School board

Three members of the Peninsula School District School Board filed to run for re-election. They are Chuck West in director district 1, Lori Glover in director district 3 and Natalie Wimberley in director district 4.

No candidates have filed to oppose them yet.

District 1 is the Key Peninsula west of 118th Street. Rosedale, Gig Harbor North, Maplewood and areas east of Crescent Valley Drive are part of District 3. District 4 includes Artondale, Fox Island and Raft Island. See a map of district boundaries here. 

In the Port of Tacoma, incumbent Deanna Keller of Gig Harbor filed to seek re-election to commission position 3. Jeannette Twitty of Tacoma also has filed to run for the position.

Candidates can file online between 9 a.m. Monday, May 15, and 4 p.m. Friday, May 19. To be eligible, a candidate must be a registered voter in the district in which they are filing. 

For information about filing to run for office, see the Pierce County Elections Office’s website.