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Gig Harbor seeking input on short-term rentals, help for homeless

Posted on February 6th, 2022 By:

The Gig Harbor Planning Commission is seeking community input on a couple housing issues.

Through Feb. 18, it is accepting comments on short-term rentals as it begins drafting regulations regarding them.

The City Council adopted a 6-month moratorium on acceptance of applications for short-term rentals on Sept. 27 to give it and the Planning Commission time to review current conditions, analyze potential issues and possibly make adjustments. All short-term rental applications submitted before the moratorium were or will be processed.

Short-term rentals have become a popular form of lodging in recent years in areas traditionally used for single-family residences. The city wants to fully evaluate the number of existing short-term rentals, positive and negative effects on the community, and any necessary mitigation that might be needed.
Email comments to Michelle Thomas at [email protected] or mail to City of Gig Harbor, Community Development Department-Planning Division, 3510 Grandview St., Gig Harbor, WA 98335

The city will hold a public hearing related to Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill (ESSHB) 1220 that was passed, in part, to address the growing homeless crisis currently facing Washington state.

Within the bill are requirements for all jurisdictions planning under the Growth Management Act to amend their comprehensive plans and development regulations to allow transitional housing, permanent supportive housing and emergency shelters.

The virtual public hearing will be during the Planning Commission meeting at 6 p.m. on Feb. 17. Link to the webinar at or call in to (253) 215-8782 Meeting ID 953 5341 1299.