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Community Government

City council approves updated transportation plan

Posted on June 29th, 2023 By:

The city council adopted a new six-year Transportation Improvement Program on Monday, June 26, adding one project from the previous list and shifting some others.

The plan lists the street projects the city has scheduled for 2024 to 2029. Cities must update the document annually and ensure it’s consistent with their comprehensive plans to qualify for state and federal transportation funding, City Engineer Aaron Hulst said.

The new TIP lists 28 road projects planned for the next six years. Projects include adding sidewalks, repaving and and adding bicycle lanes. Roundabouts are proposed for tricky intersections, as is a pedestrian bridge over Highway 16.

A project currently underway on Prentice Avenue and Fennimore Street near Harbor Ridge Middle School was added to the 2024-’29 list. It includes adding a sidewalk and Americans With Disabilities Act improvements. The project was on the 2023 list, but was delayed because it didn’t make the cut to receive a federal grant.

The new TIP was approved by a vote of 5-1, with Councilmember Jeni Woock opposed.

Woock wanted the Prentice-Fennimore project to be moved up the TIP list. Hurst explained that the order in which projects are listed doesn’t necessarily reflect their order of importance or their priority.

Woock felt that moving the project up a notch would show, albeit symbolically, that the safety of school children is a city priority. “It’s a safety thing for the school kids,” Woock said. “The number may not mean much, but it is a statement of safety for these kids.”

FISH Food Bank grant

The council also approved a $50,000 human services grant to Gig Harbor Peninsula FISH Food Bank that will enable FISH to help low-income residents pay outstanding water and sewer bills.

The council also approved an amendment to a contract with Peninsula Financial Consulting  to cover additional work in a comprehensive study of the city’s water, sewer and stormwater rates. The $12,300 contract amendment calls for PFC to include an option for tiered water rates.

The FISH grant and the PFC contract amendment were approved unanimously.

The next council meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 10.