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Community Government

Council approves Historic Preservation Commission

Posted on June 15th, 2023 By:

The Gig Harbor City Council approved creation of a Historic Preservation Commission at a meeting Monday, June 12.

The commission will make recommendations to the council on properties to be listed on the local historic register. It will also advise the council on matters related to the city’s historic resources.

Members of the commission have not yet been appointed.

Previously, the seven-member Design Review Board handled historic preservation issues. A memo from city staff accompanying the proposed change said “that has worked for several years.”

But The State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation prefers that the city have a local review board dedicated to historic preservation.

The council voted 5-0 to approve creating the commission. Councilmember Le Rodenberg abstained. He later told Gig Harbor Now that while he does not oppose the change, he wanted the public to have more time to comment before the council made a decision.

In other business 

  • Mayor Tracy Markley noted that the city will comply with recent legislation that prohibits a water provider from shutting off a customer’s water during a heat advisory. The legislation takes effect July 3.
  • The mayor also read a proclamation designating June 11-17 as Community Development Week in recognition of the work the city’s community development department does.
  • City Administrator Katrina Knutson noted that the civic center will be closed Monday, June 19 in honor of Juneteenth.
  • Knutson also noted that June is Pride Month in Gig Harbor. A Pride in the Park celebration is planned for June 24 in Skansie Park.
  • The administrator also reminded residents that although fireworks are legal in unincorporated Pierce County on July 4, they are illegal at all times within the Gig Harbor city limits. The council banned personal fireworks last year.
  • The council meets for a study session at 3 p.m. June 15. Agenda items include introduction of two new Planning Commission appointees; a Climate Action Plan update; results of a FlashVote Parks Funding survey; and a review of the city’s flag policy. The meeting will take place at the Civic Center and via Zoom.
  • The council’s next regular meeting is Monday, June 26.

The city of Gig Harbor’s Community Development staff at a council meeting on Monday, June 12.