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Community Environment Government

City Council approves 2023-’24 budget

Posted on November 30th, 2022 By:

The Gig Harbor City Council approved a $179 million city budget for the 2023-’24 biennium on Monday, Nov. 28.

The approval came after a lengthy discussion, including of two amendments  pertaining to the planned Sports Complex. The council approved the amendments, regarding money for trails and a feasibility study for Phase 3 of the complex.

The $179 million budget is $13.6 million more than the 2021-22 budget.

According to city Finance Director Dave Rodenbach, that’s primarily due to a beginning fund balance that’s $12.4 million more than the 2021 balance. The city held over more money because of a slowdown in capital projects and several staff positions being left vacant, he said.

The budget pays for eight new employees, including four police officers, a housing and human services manager, a Public Works project manager and a risk management and safety officer.

Legislative agenda set

The council also adopted the city’s 2023-24 state legislative agenda.

City lobbying firm Gordon Thomas Honeywell will attempt to secure $2 million in additional state funding for the Sports Complex and $250,000 to study how climate change will impact the city’s waterfront.

The city hopes to secure funding for the design of several projects that could relieve traffic congestion along Highway 16 and to remove culverts that hamper fish passage.

The council also directed lobbyists to support measures related to drug possession, police vehicle pursuits and increased training of police officers.

Other business

  • The council approved a contract with Parametrix for help securing grant funding to remove a culvert along North Creek.
  • The council also approved three amendments to the city’s Comprehensive Plan. The comp plan’s parks, recreation and open space section was revised to be consistent with the city’s 2022 Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan; climate change and sustainability language was restored and enhanced; and the Stormwater Management Action Plan as an appendix.
  • Mayor Tracie Markley issued proclamations recognizing the 100th anniversary of United Way of Pierce County and declaring Gig Harbor as a Purple Heart City, to “honor those wounded or who lost their life in service to our country.”

The next council meeting will take place Dec. 12 at the civic center.