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Community Government

Ballots are due Tuesday, Nov. 7; here’s where to drop them off

Posted on November 3rd, 2023 By:

Ballots in this fall’s elections must be mailed by Tuesday, Nov. 7, or placed in a drop box by 8 p.m. that day. 

Local races on the 2023 ballot include a levy lid lift proposition for the Peninsula Metropolitan Park District; a PenMet commision seat; three Gig Harbor City Council positions, though only one is contested; and three Peninsula School District board positions, again with only one contested.

Gig Harbor-area voters will also weigh in on two Port of Tacoma commissioner races.

Ballots trickling in

As of Friday, Nov. 3, only about 20% of ballots mailed to city of Gig Harbor voters had been returned to the Pierce County Elections office. Only 15.75% of the more than 31,000 voters in PenMet Parks District had returned ballots.

The ballot return rate in the Peninsula School District is also around 15%. The return rate for Port of Tacoma voters is about 10%.

Drop box locations

Voters can drop off ballots at these locations through 8 p.m. on Tuesday. 

  • Fox Island Fire Station 53, 906 Kamus Dr. 
  • Gig Harbor Civic Center, 3510 Grandview St. 
  • Gig Harbor Library, 4424 Point Fosdick Dr. NW 
  • Key Center Food Market, 9021 Key Peninsula Hwy NW 
  • Lake Kathryn Food Market, 14220 92nd Ave NW 
  • Purdy Park & Ride, 14567 Purdy Dr. 

When to look for results 

The Pierce County Elections Office will post results shortly after 8 p.m. on its website. Gig Harbor Now will post a story focusing on local results around the same time.