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Community Education

Gig Harbor Kiwanis Club a finalist for Signature Project award

Posted on June 21st, 2024 By:

The Gig Harbor Kiwanis Club is among 10 finalists out of 525 submissions from around the world for Kiwanis International’s eighth annual Signature Project Recognition Program. The winner will be announced at the Kiwanis International Convention in Denver next month.

The local Kiwanis Club’s Signature Project is Kiwanis Cares for Kids, which provides new clothes and shoes, funds field trips and supports teachers in the Peninsula School District. Kiwanis Cares has provided more than $38,000 so far this year, a total expected to reach more than $70,000 by the end of the fiscal year.

Partner organizations like Communities in Schools, Harbor Hope Center, Food Backpacks 4 Kids and school staff submit requests to the club. Fundraising efforts to support the work include local events, grants and individual gifts. Click here for more information.

Signature projects show the impact a Kiwanis club can have on a community. From playgrounds and parks to festivals and fundraisers, signature projects are the hallmarks of what Kiwanis clubs are known for in their communities. Signature projects show the impact a Kiwanis club can have on a community.