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Community Government

Updated election results: Margin in state House race narrows

Posted on November 9th, 2022 By:

A 26th Legislative District House of Representatives race got a little closer in updated ballot totals released Wednesday, Nov. 9.

Democrat Adison Richards continues to lead the race for position 1 over Republican Spencer Hutchins. But the contest got closer than it was on election night.

The updated totals show Richards with 50.89 percent of the vote (25,477 votes) to Hutchins’ 49.08 (24,571). On election night, Richards had 51.1 percent to Hutchins’ 48.9 percent.

It’s unknown how many ballots remain to be counted. About 50,000 votes remain to be counted in all of Pierce County, but the 26th District makes up only a small portion of the county.

The 26th District includes Gig Harbor, the Key Peninsula, Port Orchard and parts of Bremerton. Richards won the Kitsap portion of the district with 53.51 percent; Hutchins polled more strongly in the Pierce County portion, with 50.69 percent.

The updated vote totals did not significantly change likely outcomes in other local races. Updated vote totals are below.

Pierce County Council, position 7

Robyn Denson: 31,347 (58.63%)

Paula Lonergan: 22,090 (41.32%)

26th Legislative District Senate

Emily Randall: 26,278 (52.29)

Jesse Young: 23,936 (47.63)

26th Legislative District House

Position 1

Adison Richards: 25,477 (50.89)

Spencer Hutchins: 24,571 (49.08)

Position 2

Michelle Caldier: 27,564 (55.09)

Matt Macklin: 22,453 (44.87)

Democrat Adison Richards, left, and Republican Spencer Hutchins, right, are candidates for a 26th Legislative District House seat. They spoke at the Gig Harbor Chamber of Commerce’s Public Affairs Forum earlier in the campaign.