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Community Environment Government News

PenMet seeks input on strategic plan

Posted on June 6th, 2022 By:

PenMet wants the public’s help in developing a multi-year strategic plan. The plan will guide decision-making, policy development, annual strategic goals and objectives, long-range planning, and services the district provides for the community.

“Community input is an essential component of developing the strategic plan,” said PenMet Executive Director Ally Bujacich. “The mission of PenMet Parks is to enhance the quality of life by providing parks and recreation opportunities for our community. Engaging the people we serve with developing the strategic plan will ensure the future of the district aligns with the community’s vision.”

People can provide input by attending a community open house on at 5 p.m. June 6 via Zoom. Click here for information on how to join the open house.

Or they can visit the district’s interactive strategic plan website to join the conversation and share ideas. It is open from now through June 18.