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Community Environment Government

PenMet seeks community members to help study senior center, aquatics center

Posted on December 9th, 2022 By:

PenMet Parks is looking for community members to help determine the feasibility of a new senior center and a new aquatics facility in the Gig Harbor area.

Members are being sought for two 16-member steering committees, one for the senior center and one for the aquatics facility. The committees will work with professional consultants to produce feasibility studies for each facility.

Three meetings for each committee

It’s a relatively minor time commitment — three two-hour meetings for each study, likely one meeting each in February, April and June. But PenMet says the study and the participating committees could have a major impact.

“The feasibility study for a community aquatic center and the feasibility study for a dedicated space for seniors are critical steps in understanding community need and determining the viability of these potential projects,” said PenMet Executive Director Ally Bujacich. “The information and recomendations that emerge from these studies will help our community make informed decisions on next steps. Community engagement and feedback is a critical part of these studies and we are looking forward to engaging with the community and continuing to listen and learn.”

The deadline to apply for membership on the committees is Thursday, Dec. 15. Click here to apply.

SwimSafe's Sarah Stancikas, left, and Heather Maher narrate a slide show to the PenMet board about a possible aquatic center.

SwimSafe’s Sarah Stancikas, left, and Heather Maher narrate a slide show to the PenMet board about a possible aquatic center in 2021. Ed Friedrich / Gig Harbor Now

Senior center and aquatics center background

The Gig Harbor Senior Center has been without a permanent home since Peninsula School District bought its previous location, old Boys & Girls Club building, in 2019. That location is now Pioneer Elementary School.

The senior center operates out of Peninsula Lutheran Church, in partnership with the Greater Gig Harbor Foundation.

A group called Swim Safe Gig Harbor, meanwhile, has been promoting the need for a new aquatics center in the area since summer 2021.

PenMet commissioners approved the two feasibility studies in September.

A group of knitters gets together every Wednesday at the Senior Center.

A group of knitters gets together every Wednesday at the Gig Harbor Senior Center’s temporary location. Photo courtesy of Gig Harbor Senior Center

What committee members will do

Steering committee members will be responsible for providing direction and feedback to consultants ARC Architects. Topics of discussion will include location, design elements, operational costs and more.

The report developed by the consultants will be presented to PenMet commissioners, likely in late summer 2023.

The study doesn’t commit PenMet to building anything. It could identify community partners who could work together to bring a project to fruition.

“We hope the feasibility study brings everyone together. … (It) will hopefully identify who can do what,” said Matthew Keough, PenMet’s planning and special projects manager.

For information, visit the project website, email [email protected] or call 253-858-3400.