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Local Kiwanis Club’s Signature Program wins bronze award

Posted on July 19th, 2024 By:

The Kiwanis Club of Gig Harbor’s Kiwanis Cares for Kids program won a bronze award during the eighth annual Signature Project Recognition Program at Kiwanis International’s convention in Denver this month.

Kiwanis Care for Kids was selected for recognition from among 525 submissions from chapters around the world.

Kiwanis Cares for Kids is the local club’s Signature Program. It provides new clothes and shoes, funds field trips and supports teachers and schools in the Peninsula School District.

This year, the club has funded more than $38,000 of projects to local schools, students and teachers. By the end of the year, local Kiwanians expect that total to increase to more than $70,000.

Partner organizations like Communities in Schools, school district staff members and the Harbor Hope Center submit requests to Kiwanis Cares for Kids. Food Backpacks 4 Kids also is a partner in the program.

Kiwanis Signature Projects measure local chapters’ impact on their community. Examples of Signature Projects include playgrounds, parks, festivals and fundraisers. Such projects are typically what Kiwanis clubs are known for in their communities.

For information on how to get involved with the local Kiwanis, or to support its work, visit