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Community Government

Gig Harbor City Council: Put climate change language back in comp plan

Posted on March 2nd, 2022 By:

The Gig Harbor City Council on Feb. 28 approved plans to review four amendments to the city’s comprehensive land-use plan in 2022 — including restoring language pertaining to climate change.

The previous council voted in 2018 to remove all references to “climate change” from the various plan elements.

Because the current city council has noted these topics as a priority, the comp plan will be amended to reinstate and enhance climate change language, adding goals, policies and objectives to support climate sustainability.

Other comp plan amendments that will be reviewed this year include:

  • The Capital Facilities and Utilities elements will be updated for consistency with the current city code.
  • A Stormwater Management Action Plan (SMAP) will be added as an appendix to the current Stormwater element. The SMAP provides guidance on comprehensive watershed planning and addresses impacts from cumulative development in the local watershed.
  • The Parks, Recreation and Open Space element will be updated for consistency with the city’s newly-adopted PROS plan, which was unanimously approved by the council.

The Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office requires that cities update their PROS plan every six years, and the parks commission spent months working on the 2022 update. Councilwoman Jeni Woock asked that an amendment be added to the new PROS plan stating that the city can decide whether or not to duplicate actions by other parks local groups. The amendment was also approved 7-0.

Critical shortage of blood in area

March is Red Cross Month in Gig Harbor, thanks to a proclamation by Mayor Tracie Markley at the Gig Harbor City Council meeting.

Markley noted the many ways in which the Red Cross helps communities throughout the U.S. — providing emergency shelter, food and comfort during disasters; operating blood banks; providing training in first aid, CPR and other life-saving skills; and providing humanitarian aid throughout the world.

Daniel Wirth, executive director of the organization’s Olympic Chapter, noted that there is a critical shortage of blood right now. “We like to have at least a five-day supply,” he said. “But right now we have less than one full day.”

Currently the Red Cross doesn’t conduct any blood drives in the Gig Harbor area, but that that could change if there’s enough interest, Wirth said.

He added that the organization is also accepting donations to aid the people of Ukraine through the Red Cross website.

Upcoming meetings

The two finalists for City Administrator will attend a meet-and-greet session at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, March 3, at the civic center.

The next city council meeting will take place March 14.