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Arts & Entertainment Community

Harbor Happenings: Narrows Challenge, quilt show and more

Posted on October 10th, 2023 By:

Ladies and gentlemen, start your paddles.

The 2023 Narrows Challenge race takes place Saturday, Oct. 14, hosted by the national champion Gig Harbor Canoe and Kayak Racing Team.

The 2023 Narrows Challenge race is Saturday, Oct. 14. Photo courtesy Gig Harbor Canoe and Kayak Racing Team

The challenge is open to all human-powered canoes, kayaks, stand-up paddleboards, outriggers, paddleboards and surfskis that can handle tides, currents and open-water conditions. The course starts and ends at the entrance to Gig Harbor and heads south into the Narrows. Distances cover 5k, 10k and 20k.

The race starts at 1 p.m. A pre-race meeting for participants starts at noon. Registration costs $55 per person or $275 for teams of six. Click here to register.

Quilts ahoy

Members of the Gig Harbor Quilters Guild will fill the halls of Swift Water Elementary School with colorful, intricately crafted quilts for their annual Quilt Show on Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 14 and 15.

You’ll see old fashioned patchwork quilts, crazy quilts, modern art quilts and a boutique of functional quilted items like tea cozies, hot pads and wearables. The free show is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day. Swift Water Elementary School is located at 10811 Harbor Hill Drive.

The 2022 Gig Harbor Quilters Guild Quilt Show. Photo by Charlee Glock-Jackson

Boat maintenance classes from women

The Gig Harbor BoatShop will host a series of boat maintenance and repair classes geared specifically to women starting Wednesday, Oct. 11.

Learn rebuilding and refinishing techniques and other boat-care tasks every Wednesday from 9 a.m. to noon. To learn more about the Community Boat Restoration Program for Women, email [email protected]. 

Vaccine clinic

Medical professionals will be on hand at the Gig Harbor Senior Center to administer COVID-19 and flu shots from 9 to 11 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 11. All ages are welcome. No appointment is necessary. Bring your medical insurance card. The Senior Center is located at 6509 38th Ave.

Conservation District board meets in Gig Harbor

The Pierce Conservation District board will hold its monthly meeting at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 11, at the BoatYard House at Eddon Boat Park, 3805 Harborview Drive.

The district helps local residents conserve wetlands, forests, wildlife habitat and other natural resources. It also helps communities and homeowners plant trees and ground-cover plants to hold soil in place, clean the air, provide cover for wildlife and beautify neighborhoods.

The conservation district board usually meets in Puyallup, so this is a rare opportunity to meet with PDC staff on this side of the Narrows Bridges.

At the movies

  • The Galaxy Theatre Uptown celebrates its 25th anniversary this year with special movies every month. October’s anniversary movie is “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” playing at 4:45 and 8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 14, and Monday, Oct. 16. The 1998 movie, starring Johnny Depp, is based on the novel by Gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson. Tickets cost just $5.
  • The Flashback Cinema movie at the Galaxy at noon at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 11, is “The Twilight Saga – Eclipse.” The Flashback movie at 12:30 and 6 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 14, is “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.” Flashback movies cost just $5.

Also this week

  • Fife native Audrey Collins brings her pop/country/jazz repertoire to the Loft at the Olalla Winery at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 13. Tickets cost $15.
  • Artworks by members of the Puget Sound Sumi Artists group are on display at Tacoma Community College’s Gig Harbor campus. The show, titled “Fragrance of Ink,” features the many and varied aspects and techniques of sumi, including sumi-e paintings in monochrome ink and brush, contemporary mark-making with color, Shodo calligraphy, haiga (haiku poetry paintings), gongbi (meticulous style) and freehand style. The free show is open during regular TCC hours. TCC Gig Harbor is located at 3993 Hunt St.

Civic engagement

The Gig Harbor City Council will meet for a study session at 3 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 12, at the civic center on Grandview St. The agenda includes quasi-judicial hearing procedures, results of a study about electric vehicle charging, a new story map for public works projects and an update on a Cultural Access program. Click here to watch via Zoom.