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Harbor Happenings: Sharks of Salish Sea exhibit at Harbor WildWatch

Posted on March 21st, 2023 By:

Sharks have invaded Harbor WildWatch.

Sharks species from around the world, including all 14 species of sharks found in the Salish Sea, are featured in a new exhibit through June 1 in the Visitor Center at Skansie Park.

Salish Sea sharks include the sixgill, sevengill, salmon shark and dogfish, among others. Although they’re feared and fearsome, as top predators they play a critical role in maintaining the balance of life in the ocean. And according to the exhibit, they’re misunderstood.

The Sharks of the Salish Sea exhibit includes a display of sharks’ teeth and a life-size replica of a Megalodon shark.

The Sharks of the Salish Sea exhibit at Harbor WildWatch.

The visitor center is in the brick house at Skansie Park, 3207 Harborview Dr. It is typically open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday. Due to a shortage of volunteers, hours can be sporadic, so it’s wise to call 253-514-0187 first to confirm.

The Sharks of the Salish Sea exhibit at Harbor WildWatch.

Curtis exhibit extended

At the other end of the harbor, the Harbor History Museum has extended the “Tinted Light” exhibit of hand-colored slides by Edward Curtis through April 8.

Curtis was a Seattle-based photographer best known for his black and white portraits of Native Americans. This exhibit includes some of the only colorized versions of the images. The museum, at 4121 Harborview Drive, is open from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday. Admission is free.


Gig Harbor Has Talent

The Gig Harbor Kiwanis Club presents a showcase of talented elementary and middle school kids from throughout the Peninsula School District on Saturday, March 25, at Swift Water Elementary School.

The Gig Harbor Has Talent show includes performances from singers, dancers, comedians, musicians, aerial acrobats and more. The event raises funds for Gig Harbor Peninsula FISH Food Bank, Children’s Home Society, Food Backpacks 4 Kids, Harbor Hope Center and Kiwanis Cares for Kids. The event also includes a silent auction and food concessions.

Doors open at 2 p.m. Swift Water Elementary is located at 10811 Harbor Hill Drive.

Authors read from their work

The Fox Island Museum hosts local authors Robert Ingram, E.C. Murray and Larry Fowler on Saturday, March 25.

Ingram will read from his novel, “The Genius who Saved Baseball.”

Murray is an award winning author of four books, including “A Long Way from Paris,” a 2014 Kirkus Best Book of the Year.

Fowler is best known for his historical novels based on the life and times of Abraham Lincoln.

The event starts at 1:30 p.m. March 25 at the Fox Island Museum, 1017 9th Ave. Call 253-549-2461 for more information.

At the movies

“Sixteen Candles,” the classic John Hughes film, shows at 12:15 and 6 p.m. Wednesday, March 22, as part of the Flashback Cinema series at Galaxy Theaters Gig Harbor in Uptown. On Sunday, March 26, and Wednesday, March 29, “The Ten Commandments” shows at 1 and 6 p.m. Tickets cost $5.

For opera lovers, The Galaxy is showing the Metropolitan Opera’s production of Wagner’s “Lohengrin” March 22 at noon and 6:30 p.m. and Verdi’s “Falstaff” on April 5.

Music for all

Kimball Coffeehouse continues its weekly Open Mic Thursday starting at 5:30 p.m. All varieties of talent are welcome.

Angelic Noise brings their easy listening repertoire of fresh pop and cool classics to the Olalla Winery at 6:30 p.m. Friday, March 24. Reserve your seat here.

Mary Farr performs at Kimball’s Open Mic Night. Photo by Ed Johnson

Civic participation 

The Gig Harbor City Council meets at 5 p.m. Monday, March 27 at the Civic Center, 3510 Grandview Dr., and online. Tentative agenda items include approval of an opioid settlement agreement and discussion of the 2024 Public Engagement Plan for the city’s Comprehensive Plan.

The city will host a virtual workshop about its Climate Action Plan on Wednesday, March 29. Participants can share their priorities and provide feedback on the city’s proposed climate actions and solutions. Register here.