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Arts & Entertainment Community

Harbor Happenings: Youth invited to show their talents

Posted on January 25th, 2023 By:

Entry deadlines are near for two chances for local young people to display their talents.

The entry deadline for the Gig Harbor Has Talent showcase is Feb. 3. The event, a fundraiser for local charities, is scheduled for March 25.

Any Gig Harbor-area student in kindergarten through eighth grades can enter. Applicants must include a 1-minute audition video. Click here for information or here to upload an application.

Proceeds from Gig Harbor Has Talent, organized by the Gig Harbor Kiwanis Club, will support Kiwanis Cares for Kids, Food Backpacks 4 Kids, Gig Harbor Peninsula FISH Food Bank, Harbor Hope Center and Children’s Home Society.

Teen writing and art contest

Entries are due in the Pierce County library system’s “Our Own Expressions” teen writing and art contest by Feb. 28.

Entry is free and open to seventh through 12th graders who live or attend school in Pierce County. Categories include poetry, short story, photography and drawing. Students may enter individually or as a team.

Prizes of $100 to $150 will be awarded to winners in three age groups: seventh and eighth grade, ninth and 10th grade, and 11th and 12th grade in all four categories.

For more information, click here.


The Olalla Winery presents Billy Stoops and Leanne Trevalyan at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 27. Stoops has been named Entertainer of the Year and Best Male Vocalist by the Washington Blues Society for his distinctive guitar playing and songwriting. His longtime partner Trevalyan provides harmony vocals and hand-percussion. The winery is located at 13176 Olalla Valley Road SE. Click here for tickets here.

Billy Stoops and Leanne Trevalyan

Chorus session begins soon

Peninsula Community Chorus’ spring session starts with a rehearsal at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 7, at Goodman Middle School. The more than 60-year-old chorus welcomes adult singers of all ages and abilities, from professional to amateur musicians. No auditions are required, just show up and sign up at the Feb. 7 session. Click here for more information.


  • “Gone with the Wind” plays at 12:30 and 6 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 25, as part of Flashback Cinema at the Galaxy Theatres. Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Birds” plays at noon and 6 p.m.  Sunday, Jan. 29. Flashback Cinema tickets cost $5.
  • The Gig Harbor Film Festival’s first Monthly Movie, “Three Minutes – A Lengthening,” airs at 6 p.m. Monday, Jan. 30, at the Galaxy. The film focuses on three minutes of home movie footage shot in 1938 in Poland. The three minutes of footage, mostly in color, are the only known moving images of the Jewish inhabitants of Nasielsk before the Holocaust. The three minutes are examined – lengthened – to unravel the human stories hidden in the footage.

Civic engagement 

  • PenMet Parks hosts an open house to discuss plans for renovating Rosedale Community Hall at 1 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 25. Plans include upgrading old systems and improving ADA accessibility. The hall is located at 8205 86th Ave. NW.
  • The Gig Harbor City Council meets for a study session at 3 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 26. The agenda includes discussion of proposed changes related to alcohol in city park buildings and an overview of the city’s water system emergency response plan. Study sessions take place in the community room at the civic center, and air via Zoom. Click here to watch.
  • The Pierce County Council meets at 3 p.m. Tuesdays. Click here to watch online.