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Arts & Entertainment Community

Harbor Happenings: More than 200 get a Night to Shine this week

Posted on February 7th, 2024 By:

More than 200 people with special needs will be treated like royalty with an evening of dancing, food, karaoke, limo rides and more at the annual Night to Shine celebration at the Tom Taylor YMCA on Friday, Feb. 9.

The free, prom-like fun starts at 5 p.m. with an on-site hair-and-makeup-styling salon, flower corsages for the ladies and shoe shines and boutonnières for the fellows. Every guest will be declared king or queen with their own personal crown. Free souvenir photos will commemorate the occasion.

Now in its 10th year in Gig Harbor, Night to Shine is a partnership between the YMCA, Gig Harbor Rotary, PenMet Parks, Harbor Christian Church and other churches, businesses and nonprofits. Registration is full. Go here to be added to the waiting list.

The 2023 Night to Shine at the Tom Taylor Family YMCA. Photo by Tammy Snyder photography

Arctic canoe trip

John Richardson of Burley will shares stories about his month-long Arctic canoe adventure at 3:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 10, at the brick house next door to the BoatShop.

Richardson paddled 900 miles up the Mackenzie River in Canada’s Northwest Territories province. The event is free, but space is limited and reservations are required.

Artistic opportunities

  • The deadline is  to apply for a Creative Endeavor Grant from the city of Gig Harbor is March 15. These small grants support local events and activities that provide artistic experiences for the community. Click here for information.
  • The Gig Harbor Open Studio Tour is accepting applications for new artists to participate in this fall’s tour. The application deadline is Feb. 28. Click here for information.

Live music

  • Michele D’Amour and the Love Dealers bring their brand of blues to Kimball Coffeehouse at 7 p.m. Friday, Feb. 9. All ages welcome; no cover.
  • Sunrust plays in the loft at the Olalla Winery at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 9. Click here for reservations.

At the movies

The Flashback Cinema movie at the Galaxy Theatres Uptown on Wednesday, Feb. 7, is “Escape from New York,” starring Kurt Russell. Showtimes are 12:30 and 6 p.m. Sunday’s Flashback movie is “Casablanca,” the Humphrey Bogart–Ingrid Bergman classic, playing at 12:30 and 6 p.m. “Casablanca” also plays on Valentine’s Day. Flashback movies are just $5.

Civic engagement

  • The city of Gig Harbor hosts a free legal aid popup from 4 to 6 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month starting Feb. 13 at the Civic Center on Grandview Street. Lawyers from the nonprofit Tacomaprobono will answer questions and offer advice on rental issues, landlord-tenant relations and other topics.
  • The city is soliciting responses to a survey about what residents want Gig Harbor to be like in 20 years. The survey is part of Gig Harbor’s update of its comprehensive land-use plan. Click here to respond to the surve.
  • The Gig Harbor City Council will discuss a proposed property tax levy lid lift and other issues during its meeting at 5:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 12 at the Civic Center. The meeting is also accessible via Zoom.