
Gig Harbor Now provides citizens the information they need to oversee and participate in the city of Gig Harbor, Pierce County and smaller governing bodies.

Carving honoring area’s original inhabitants installed

Aug 11, 2022 | By:

Interrupted briefly by thunder and lightning, Gig Harbor’s newest artwork was installed Wednesday at the water’s edge in Austin Park at txʷaalqəł Estuary. The carved cedar figure, called “Our Fisherman, Our Guardian,” depicts a Native American holding a large salmon, flanked by a canoe on each side. It stands 15-feet tall and looks out over

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Crime report: Thefts up significantly in Gig Harbor

Aug 11, 2022 | By:

Police Chief Kelly Busey told the Gig Harbor City Council on Monday that theft is Gig Harbor’s biggest criminal issue. The city’s top law enforcement officer presented his 2021 crime report at Monday’s meeting. He said retail theft was up about 11% in 2021, and vehicle theft rose a whopping 70%. Drugs are also a

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As wildfire season flares up, here’s how to evaluate your home’s risk

Aug 09, 2022 | By:

Our wet spring brought a welcome reprieve from wildfires and smoke that have plagued Western Washington in recent years. But summer isn’t over by a long shot, and wildfire season is just getting started. Several fires that started last week in Eastern Washington — one a brush fire that led to the evacuation of a

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Gig Harbor Fire bond passing with over 66 percent of vote

Aug 02, 2022 | By:

Voters approved Gig Harbor Fire & Medic One’s $80 million bond request in Tuesday’s primary election, according to preliminary results posted by the Pierce County Auditor’s Office. In other local races: Paula Lonergan is leading among four Republicans hoping to square off against Democrat Robyn Denson for the Pierce County Council District 7 seat. Emily

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Gig Harbor is about to get a sister city

Jul 26, 2022 | By:

Gig Harbor is a step closer to establishing a sister city relationship with Bodø, Norway. Bodø (pronounced “boo-duh”) is the capital of Nordland County and lies just north of the Arctic Circle. The City Council approved a resolution on July 25 allowing Mayor Tracie Markley to sign an agreement with Bodø to “enrich cultural understanding,

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City administrator Knutson makes mark by encouraging engagement

Jul 26, 2022 | By:

When Katrina Knutson was confirmed as Gig Harbor’s new city administrator last month, it was the fulfillment of a goal she set years ago. It just didn’t happen exactly how she’d planned. Knutson had a 10-year career objective to land a position in city administration. She wanted to “be part of what makes a city

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More growth seen for Gig Harbor — but not like in the 2010s

Jul 21, 2022 | By:

Gig Harbor had a moment of shock and awe last year when the 2020 U.S. Census results came in. The Census showed the city’s population soared by a staggering 69 percent in the previous 10 years. Gig Harbor went from 7,126 residents in 2010 to 12,029 in 2020. “As of 2020, the City had reached

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Four Republicans, Democrat Denson square off for county council seat

Jul 21, 2022 | By:

Gig Harbor City Council member Robyn Denson, who began campaigning last summer, is in a county council race against Mitch Anderson, Josh Harris, Paula Lonergan and Chuck West.

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Randall, Young, Crissman on ballot in 26th District Senate race

Jul 20, 2022 | By:

The 26th District state Senate race has been one of the most hotly contested legislative races in Washington the past few election cycles. This year is proving to be no different. Incumbent Sen. Emily Randall, D-Bremerton, and challenger Rep. Jesse Young, R-Gig Harbor, have both raised more money for the 2022 campaign than any other

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Gig Harbor Council marks Sportsman’s Club’s 75th anniversary

Jul 13, 2022 | By:

The Gig Harbor Sportsman’s Club, is celebrating its 75th anniversary this month. Mayor Tracie Markley read a proclamation at the July 11 City Council meeting acknowledging the club’s history and importance to the community. The proclamation praises the club for its firearms training, safety training and hunter education program. The club also sponsors several events

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