Two In Tow & On The Go | Shoot your shot in Ocean5’s laser tag arena
Mar 01, 2024 | By: Tonya StricklandThe laser tag industry is approaching its 40th anniversary this month, but a $15 game at Gig Harbor’s Ocean5 never gets old.
Read MoreWhether you’re looking to be entertained or enlightened, Gig Harbor Now covers fun and informational events taking place in the community.
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Arts & Entertainment stories are made possible in part by the Gig Harbor Film Festival, a proud sponsor of Gig Harbor Now.
The laser tag industry is approaching its 40th anniversary this month, but a $15 game at Gig Harbor’s Ocean5 never gets old.
Read MoreHave you ever dreamt of being in the movies, or auditioning for a play or commercial? This is for you. Next week, Gig Harbor will welcome the opening of Actorcraft, a new acting school founded by professional actors and educators Jeremy Kent Jackson and his partner Adrianne Alvarez-Jackson. Drawing on their years of experience working
Read MoreFor health, wellness and fun, it’s time to push the boundaries of community engagement beyond annual holiday tree lightings and parades. It’s time to blend public art and craft community. What is public art? When people think of “public art,” they may imagine an abstract sculpture located near a civic center. Or perhaps a figure,
Read MoreMany of us think of Tacoma as the town where Highway 16 merges with Interstate 5, allowing us to travel north to Seattle or south to Olympia and beyond. And many of us of a certain age still harbor memories of the days when you knew you were in Tacoma because of the infamous “aroma
Read MoreBuy a bowl, fill it with soup and know that you’re contributing to a good cause on Saturday, March 2, during the Empty Bowls event staged by the Gig Harbor chapter of Altrusa International. Local potters have created more than 800 bowls and a dozen restaurants are donating soup. Empty Bowls participants buy a handmade
Read MoreOur previous column’s subject transitioned from a failure to deliver fire to the successful delivery of ice. The Gig Harbor Now and Then local history question was: What was the name of the ice delivery man in Gig Harbor in 1931? Answer: Let’s see, what are the most obvious possibilities? Ice, Icicle, Cold, Chill, Cool,
Read MoreThere are plenty of options this week for entertainment, education and civic engagement. Join Harbor WildWatch at 6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 22, at 7Seas Brewery for Pier into the Night, and see what’s lurking in the waters below the dock. Divers carry cameras into the harbor, while staff biologists and trained volunteers interpret what they
Read MoreWhen we first moved to Washington, our family was surprised to find that many school districts here offer mid-winter break — a bonus five days off school around President’s Day each February. Given that we just had two weeks off school during the holidays for regular ‘ol winter break, we couldn’t believe this break was
Read MoreMost locals know about the connection between Gig Harbor’s early settlers and Croatia. But the city also is connected with Monterey, California and Mexico’s Sea of Cortez. Historian Michael Kenneth Hemp will discuss the links and historical timelines of West Coast settlement, migration, first peoples, fisheries, local boat building and world-famous literary events at 2
Read MoreI first visited Fox Island’s Tacoma DeMolay Sandspit Park in 2021, when the kids and I were still the seeking out the Puget Sound’s elusive “real sand” beach after moving here from California. At the time, I’d never heard of the word “DeMolay” before. But I figured it was the last name of a local
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