Ted Kenney

Ted Kenney is a third-generation Gig Harbor Peninsula resident who grew up in Rosedale and attended Gig Harbor High School the year it opened. He has worked as a news reporter, software marketer and restaurant owner. He loves reading, especially Raymond Chandler novels and good non-fiction.

Pierce County Public Works to recommend replacing Fox Island Bridge

Mar 23, 2022

The future of the Fox Island Bridge became a little clearer this week, with the Pierce County Planning and Public Works Department disclosing that it has endorsed replacing the badly deteriorated structure rather than choosing the less costly, but shorter-lasting, refurbishment option. The department informed Gig Harbor Now that it will request funding in the

New land conservation fund targets pockets in and around Gig Harbor

Jan 18, 2022

Gig Harbor Land Conservation Fund will have matching funds available for other groups to quickly acquire grants. A condition of its contribution is that the public have access to the properties.

Census: Growth slowed considerably outside the city of Gig Harbor

Jan 09, 2022

There are still areas outside the city limits but inside the urban growth area where developments are being built.

Census: Gig Harbor population boomed during past decade

Dec 01, 2021

The city far outshot its growth target, ballooning from 7,126 to 12,029 with little attributable to annexation. The pace next decade shouldn’t be nearly as quick.

Proposed Burley Lagoon geoduck farm upsets neighbors

Oct 22, 2021

Converting the 25.5-acre farm site from Manila clams and oyster to geoducks wouldn’t significantly change the tidelands, according to the draft environmental impact statement. Opponents of the plan say this claim is slanted and they look forward to refuting it.

COVID-19 spike stresses St. Anthony Hospital care

Oct 01, 2021

New Gig Harbor/Key Peninsula COVID cases have eased somewhat since peaking at a pandemic-high 544 in August.