Marsha Hart is a journalist who holds degrees in Communication and Psychology from East Tennessee State University. She moved to the area after working for several weekly and daily newspapers, including the Sacramento Bee. She has worked as a reporter and editor covering news, sports, real estate, and features. She enjoys a good book, a scenic hike, traveling, and spending time with her family and friends.
Aug 24, 2023
Editor’s Note: This is the first in a four-part series on services for victims of abuse and violence in Pierce County. Subsequent stories include: Inside the Crystal Judson Family Justice Center Other resources available to help people escape abusive relationships How the Gig Harbor Police Department handles these cases, and resources for navigating the legal
Jul 24, 2023
Dressing a newborn in their first outfit is a milestone experience for new parents. But when the newborn is premature, that first outfit is really special. Cressie Baerg, owner of the Gig Harbor business Perfectly Preemie, has been making that memorable moment happen for parents of premature babies all over the country. The company, which
Jun 26, 2023
A record number of high school students in the Peninsula School District earned varsity letters in community service this school year. Sixty-four students spent a minimum of 100 hours helping others in various ways throughout the county. In years past, the requirement for receiving a varsity letter was 145 hours per school year. But, after
Jun 19, 2023
If we live long enough, some of us will have the chance to reinvent ourselves, and live several lives before we die. Hugh McMillan was one of those people. Most of those who attended his memorial service on June 18 knew him as the energetic old guy with a camera, who loved to talk and push
Jun 13, 2023
In 2010, Tacoma/Pierce County Habitat for Humanity bought 1.2 acres of land near St. Anthony Hospital in Gig Harbor. The nonprofit planned to build affordable housing for local families on the plot off Canterwood Boulevard. The project has been largely at a standstill until this year due to budget issues, said Sherrana Kildun, chief philanthropy
May 15, 2023
When Pierre Allegre joined the United States Air Force 23 years ago, he had a master’s degree in divinity. He worked for 23 years as an Air Force chaplain. Allegre recently retired from the United States Air Force Reserves, and for five years he has been working for MultiCare Home Health and Hospice as a
May 15, 2023
When SaVoïe Sanders was born, he spent 54 days in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Tacoma General Hospital. That’s why he decided to use his Eagle Scout project to benefit the NICU unit. Every prospective Eagle Scout must complete a project to benefit their community in some way. Together with his family and volunteers,
Mar 02, 2023
Off the coast of Washington, several Gig Harbor residents are hard at work on crab fishing boats, handling all that comes with the job. Most people can conjure images of what it must be like, perhaps informed by the Discovery Channel show “Deadliest Catch.” Large crab cages, rough seas, a crew, and a lot of
Dec 28, 2022
When audiences gather in the Milton S. Boyd auditorium for the first play of the 2023 season, the story may seem a bit familiar. However, it will become evident that this one stars an unlikely hero and takes place in a world of its own. Opening night for “Puffs, Or Seven Increasingly Eventful Years At