Gig Harbor Community Member

Rotary Club of Gig Harbor Midday contributes to groundbreaking Etta Projects program in Bolivia

Sep 11, 2024

Rotary Club of Gig Harbor Midday has been a consistent and ongoing supporter of Etta Projects, an organization founded and led by Pennye Nixon that provides a variety of much-needed services to rural villages in Bolivia. Pennye is now an honorary member of our Midday Club. In 2024, we are co-sponsoring a global grant with

Wellness Wednesday | Tips to support your well-being during Healthy Aging Month

Sep 11, 2024

“By 2040, almost a quarter of the U.S. population will be age 65 or older,” according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This demographic shift will impact the economy, healthcare and community dynamics. Now is the time to prioritize health and wellness to increase your chances of aging healthily and maintaining independence

Letter to the Editor | Thanks, PenMet, for providing services for seniors

Aug 19, 2024

To PenMet Parks Commissioners, Executive Director Ally Bujacich and all staff: Thank you for the Betty Lilienthal Advocacy Award! I am truly honored, humbled, and grateful to be recognized by such a worthy organization.  Working with people I respect, believe in and admire is incredibly motivating. Thank you for your trust and attention, your willingness

Letter to the editor | State Parks thinks vehicle to help those with disabilities might be a good idea

Aug 19, 2024

I just came across a very interesting article on the Washington State Parks’ website.  You can find the article using this link: Action Trackchair comes to Lake Sammamish | Washington State Parks In a prior Letter to the Editor, I addressed PenMet’s costly, damaging, thoughtless, and needless plan to make the DeMolay Sandspit ADA accessible. 

Wellness Wednesday | Back to basics for a healthy back-to-school season

Aug 13, 2024

New backpack. Check. School supplies. Check. New clothes. Check. First sick day. Oh no! Back-to-school time often means an influx of sickness and sharing germs for our kids. To help parents and caregivers, we’re sharing some practical ways to prep your family for a healthy return to the classroom before the school year starts again.

Letter to the Editor | Cheers to the PenMet-PSD partnership — and its swim lessons

Aug 09, 2024

The announcement of the partnership between PenMet Parks and the Peninsula School District is incredibly exciting for our community. Swim Safe Gig Harbor is proud to offer our congratulations to these two strong organizations for teaming up to provide great services to our community, which include a focus on offering swim lessons. As the Maritime

Letter to the Editor | Conservatives concerned about Caldier

Aug 02, 2024

In this letter I am writing to my fellow conservatives and readership of Gig Harbor Now. I am growing deeply concerned about Michelle Caldier’s ability to represent the people of our district. I also want to point out that this is not a political influence type letter. We all understand that this is an election

Letter to the Editor | 26th District candidate Rachel Harter will listen to her voting base

Jul 30, 2024

Rachel Harter is an excellent choice for State Representative, 26th LD, Position 2. As we all know, career politicians tend to lose touch with their base over time and drift away from the stances they originally held. At those times, such voters start looking around for better candidates, but all too often, none are available.

Letter to the Editor | Sales tax proposal is fair to all concerned

Jul 29, 2024

We all love our life in Gig Harbor.  Let’s keep it that way. August 6 is Primary Election Day and the day our ballots are due on Gig Harbor Prop 1. This spring when you said no to increased property taxes, you also said you are willing to support our police with a smaller amount

Letter to the Editor | Josh Smith, a refreshing option

Jul 26, 2024

Dismayed by a stale political status quo, last year I realized I was part of the “exhausted majority”. I acknowledged I had joined the two thirds of Americans who find themselves not completely aligned with either political party. I longed for a party that would put the power back in the hands of the American