Gig Harbor Community Member

Letter to the editor: Randall’s record worthy of support

Oct 24, 2022

I am concerned about my health and safety and honestly, my pocket book, which is why I’m voting to re-elect State Senator Randall. I knew enough to thank Randall for the 75 cent reduction in Tacoma Narrows Bridge tolls (nearly $200 annually for commuters), for the reduction of insulin prices, and for her support of

Letter to the editor: Richards shows intelligence, compassion

Oct 20, 2022

If public safety, inflation, education, and employment opportunities are a concern of yours, I encourage you to vote for Adison Richards for State Representative. He has lived here all his life, and he has been working as a lawyer with the Northwest Justice Project, where he has served people who could not afford representation. He

Letter to the Editor: Denson’s energy, passion, work ethic are unmatched

Oct 18, 2022

My name is Jennifer Keating and I am writing in support of Pierce County Council candidate Robyn Denson. I am a lifelong resident of Gig Harbor/Fox Island, a Puyallup Tribal member and mother of four, serve as the Chair of Peninsula School District’s Native American Education Parent Advisory Committee and have the honor of serving

Letter to the Editor: Vote for Caldier, Hutchins and common sense

Oct 18, 2022

Residents of the 26th Legislative District —those living in Gig Harbor, Port Orchard, Bremerton, the Key Peninsula, and outlying areas – as well as other Washington citizens – are facing an unprecedented time of inflationary pressure, rising interest rates, rising consumer prices, a sharp rise in violent crimes, understaffed police and sheriff’s departments for most

Letter to the editor: Young offers action and common sense

Oct 14, 2022

I enthusiastically endorse Jesse Young for Washington State Senate for two reasons: his eight years of experience as our Legislative Representative and from several in-person conversations. Jesse Young is one of the most senior representatives in Olympia with over eight years’ experience.  He has served on the several key committees including: “Children’s, Youth & Family;

Letter to the editor: Lonergan will bring experience to Pierce Co. Council

Oct 14, 2022

With only weeks to go before the Midterm elections here in Washington, Paula Lonergan continues putting the word out about where she stands for the voters of Pierce County and District 7. As a Pierce County Council member, Paula would be responsible for passing legislation, setting county policy, adopting the county’s budget, and holding government

Letter to the editor: Smiley, Kreiselmaier support liberty

Oct 14, 2022

Like many voters, I have become increasingly frustrated with the direction that D.C. progressives have been dragging our country. Inflation, crime, homelessness, declining education, growing racial division, massive national debt and everything they touch is becoming worse and worse.  Their only answers are more control, more spending and more taxes. Elections are about choices, but

Guest column: Another great Film Festival in the books

Sep 30, 2022

“It’s like I have ESPN or something,” a quote from the 2004 movie “Mean Girls.” Well, probably not ESPN, but if you had any ESP going on, you took yourself to the 2022 Gig Harbor Film Festival last weekend. And what a weekend it was! The festival launched on Thursday evening with a welcome chat

Guest opinion: Ordinance makes city’s operations less transparent

Aug 05, 2022

At the July 25th Gig Harbor City Council meeting the council passed Ordinance #1492 and you need to know why I could not support it. Ordinance #1492 changes the way our Gig Harbor volunteers are selected to serve on our boards, commissions and committees. These volunteer positions are very critical because volunteer commissioners take their personal

Letter to the editor: Don’t institutionalize donations to non-profits

Jun 21, 2022

While I support the residents of Gig Harbor joining Pen Met — my recent letter was not to suggest that all of the non-profits in Gig Harbor would be funded by the Peninsula Metropolitan Park District. The park district has specific grants that they may be able to help with. Additionally the park district can