Gig Harbor Community Member

Letter to the editor: PenMet’s risky financial planning

Oct 10, 2023

PenMet is pleading poverty in 2024. Its draft 2024 budget shows that without the additional $2.7 million in property tax levies the levy lid lift would provide just in 2024 (almost a 30% increase), PenMet would have to cut its cash outlays by $2.5 million. Let’s take a closer look at how PenMet plans to

Letter to the editor: Who is financially responsible for future environmental damage?

Oct 09, 2023

Regarding “The Reserve, an RM Homes development approved by the City of Gig Harbor despite environmental threats”: Who pays for future environmental damage caused by a developer? “In the event of imminent threat to public health, welfare, or water quality, the Stormwater Maintenance Agreement gives the city unrestricted authority to access the stormwater facilities for

Letter to the editor: Vote ‘yes’ on PenMet’s lid lift to support seniors

Oct 04, 2023

‘How to put into words the passion and commitment I feel? As a woman of a “certain” age (Ahem…senior citizen) I relish my years. After much searching, my husband and I chose to retire in the Gig Harbor area in 2003. It promised all of the charm and beauty of a very desirable community in

Letter to the editor: Does PenMet really handle funds responsibly?

Oct 04, 2023

In response to Ed Friedrich’s well-researched article on PenMet’s Levy Lid Lift proposition: The 2.5% assumed assessed value increase With regard to the 2.5% assumed increase in assessed values, Mr. Friedrich quotes the County Assessor as saying the 2.5% is a reasonable estimate. I don’t argue that point. My point is that PenMet, being a

Letter to the editor: Gig Harbor is a treasure and worth investing in

Sep 27, 2023

Those of us who call Gig Harbor “home” hold our town deeply in our hearts. When asked where I live, I smile and say proudly, “Gig Harbor!”, recalling images of our beautiful city.  What a dream it is to live in such a picturesque place. However, the beauty of Gig Harbor is not just in

Letter to the editor: PenMet’s levy lid lift and love for the rate

Sep 26, 2023

When it comes to their levy lid lift, PenMet is consistently and primarily talking about the levy rates.  I recently attended one of their levy information sessions, and I asked them for a commitment to disclose the dollar amounts involved as well.  They would not commit to doing that.  Is that decision indicative of PenMet

Letter to the editor: Something is missing in PenMet lid lift request

Sep 26, 2023

PenMet Parks is asking for us to vote for a “Levy Lid Lift“ in the November 7 election. I am definitely for parks for the public to enjoy, but I’ve not seen any justification for the dramatic increase in taxpayer revenues to PenMet that passage of this measure would create. The September 22, 2023 Gig

Gig Harbor Now and Then: A familiar name paved the old Jerkovich dock

Sep 25, 2023

The previous history questions in Gig Harbor Now and Then were several. They concerned part of the old Jerkovich dock, which is now incorporated into the city of Gig Harbor’s Ancich Waterfront Park. It is used today only by seagulls and crows for breaking clam shells. The questions: Who paved the old dock? When was

Letter to the editor: Here’s how to learn about city council candidates

Sep 21, 2023

To Gig Harbor residents, I say: “You make the difference.” As a new resident of Gig Harbor, there are a few topics that I hear from people who have lived here longer than my husband and me:  The population growth of Gig Harbor, the transportation challenges, and the goal of maintaining this city’s maritime charm

Letter to the editor: PenMet levy request by the numbers

Sep 20, 2023

PenMet’s advocacy for approving this November’s levy lid lift is supported mainly by the following two points: Describing how the tax rate has dropped since the last levy lid lift Informing us that we need to approve this levy lid lift to maintain and expand the level of service provided to the residents of the